1. Mineralogy-
Mineralogy defined as the offshoot of geology dealing with the scientific analysis of the minerals, including chemistry, structure, physical and optical properties and its artifacts.
2. Structural Geology-
The branch of geology dealing with the three-dimensional distribution of the rock and its deformational history.
3. Oceanography-
The discipline of geology dealing with the studies of oceans and seas including their framework, physical and chemical properties, origin and its ancient history and current direction.
4. Petrology-
Petrology is systematic studies of rocks, their origin, structure, composition and much focus on igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
5. Geomorphology-
It deals with the physical features of the surface i.e its land forms, process and sediments and their relation with geological structures.
6. Paleontology-
"Paleo" means "Past" and "ontology" means "Life History" , so it is the study of pre-historic life of the earth. The record of pre-historic life forms are found within rocks as fossils.
7. Stratigraphy-
Stratigraphy deals with the sequential arrangement of layered rocks according to the time of their formation on the surface of the Earth.
8. Economic Geology-
It deals with the study of minerals, ore and fossil fuels of economic importance.
9. Hydrology-
It is the science that encompasses the occurence, distribution, movement and properties of waters of the Earth and their relationships within each phase of hydrological cycle.
10. Historical Geology-
Historical Geology is a science which deals with historical development of the earth. It aims at reconstruction of the earth's evolutionary history and formulation of general laws governing the evolution.
"The study of Stratigraphy and Paleontology is included under the Historical Geology"
By: Jamal Abdul Shubboor
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