Origin Of Name
From Greek word orthos (right angle) and klasis (to break)
Copyright: Emil Javorsky/Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
Orthoclase is common in many kinds of silicic igneous rocks, sediments such as arkoses, and a variety of metamorphic rocks. Quartz and micas are typically associated minerals
Physical Properties
. Hardness- 6
. Specific Gravity- 2.56
. Clevage- 90° clevage angle, perfect (001), good (010), poor {110}
. Fracture- Uneven
. Luster- Pearly, Vitreous
. Transparency- Translucent
. Colour- White, pink, turbid
. Streak- White
Crystal System- Monoclinc
Uses- Ceramics, glass, abrasives, gemstones