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Showing posts from June, 2020

Scope Of Geology

Scope Of Geology.......                           It is a well established interdisciplinary branch of Science and has a scope in different fields:                      Marine Geologist            Studies marine environment. With the help of remote sensing they locate old             rocks and vegetations and effects on sea and atmosphere.           Petrologist   Conducts explorations for new oil and gas fields both the onshore and offshore            activity. All types of survey like geophysical and seismic surveys are carried out            before drilling             Geohydrologist            Locates and assesses sources of water and also find threats which can pollute the             water.              Hydrologist            Studies underground sources of water and all related parameters to it like            infiltration and pollution threats.             Paleontologist           Works with fossils (dead remain of creatures and plants). They es

Texture Of Igneous Rocks

Texture-                    The  texture  of a rock is the size, shape, and arrangement of the grains (for sedimentary rocks) or crystals (for igneous and metamorphic rocks).  It is basically divided into 4 parts: 1. Crystallinity (Degree of Crystallization) 2. Granularity (Actual Size Of Grain) 3. Shapes Of Crystals 4. Mutual Arrangement Of Grain 1. Crystallinity - Ratio between Crystallised and Non Crystallised materials. a) Holocrystalline - Rock composed entirely of crystal. b) Hemicrystalline - Rock composed of crystal and glass. c) Holohyalline - Rock composed entirely of glass. 2. Granularity- Actual size of grain. a) Phaneritic/Phanerocrystalline - When we can identify the crystals by naked eye, formed during plutonic environment.  Coarse Grained - >5 mm  Medium Grained - 1 to 5 mm  Fine Grained - <1 mm b) Aphanetic - When we can't identify crystals by naked eye.  Microcrystalline - Rocks that contains small crystals, visible only through microscope.  Cryptocrystallin

Branches Of Geology

1. Mineralogy-                       Mineralogy defined as the offshoot of geology dealing with the scientific analysis of the minerals, including chemistry, structure, physical and optical properties and its artifacts. 2. Structural Geology-                                   The   branch of geology dealing with the three-dimensional distribution of the rock and its deformational history.  3. Oceanography-                             The discipline of geology dealing with the studies of oceans and seas including their framework, physical and chemical properties, origin and its ancient history and current direction.  4. Petrology-                     Petrology is systematic studies of rocks, their origin, structure, composition and much focus on igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. 5. Geomorphology-                               It deals with the physical features of the surface i.e its land forms, process and sediments and their relation with geological structures. 6. Paleontolo

What is Geology?

              Geology                                                                                              The word Geology is formed by combination of two Greek words that are "Geo" meaning "Earth" and "Logos" meaning "Discourse". Geology is the Science that deals with the Origin, Structure and history of development of the Earth including its Rocky Lithosphere, Liquid Hydrosphere, Gaseous Atmosphere, Living and Extinct Biosphere. Geology involves studying the material that makeup the Earth, the Features and Structures found on Earth as well as process that act on them. Geology is the unique branch of Science that deals with Past and Present processes that act on Earth, their migrations and extinctions. It deals with the processes that are undergoing within the Earth. It involves the study about the Earthquakes, Tsunami, and Volcanoes that are the natural hazard on Earth processed by Tectonics. In this we study about fossils remains and