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Showing posts from January, 2021


What is a GEOLOGICAL REPORT? Geological reports are concise, informative and well documented reports used to present, analyse and summarise field data for both industry and research purposes. They should be accompanied by geological maps, figures, stratigraphic columns, tables, graphs etc. PREPARATION First plan the layout, section by section; then draft each section using all your notes, maps, laboratory results and references gathered from other sources. Then list the illustrations needed to support the text. Finally, lay sections out in your choosen order, before gathering them together to edit  them. Does not spare the paper, allow plenty of room between the lines and at the margins for corrections, alterations and additions. REVISION AND EDITING First, a rough draft gets the essential facts and information in order. The next stage is to revise it and re-edit. The order of some paragraphs may need changing, spelling mistakes corrected, grammar improved. Indicate where illustratio